Thursday, September 5, 2013

Well hey!

     Hey there! Welp theres been a lot of changes around here to tell you about! First of all, you are not going to believe this, but my companion is another gringa!! Her name is Hna. Callister and she is from California!! Ha we both cannot believe it still. We have basically been floating on cloud 9 this whole week that were together... thats an expression right? Hna. Callister was studying at BYU Provo for three years before her mission. She was studying business, did ballroom dancing, and ran cross country for BYU. Dont worry, weve already started going running in the morning! She also went on a study abroad to Europe so we talk about our experiences there a lot. Shes awesome! So there are four sister missionaries in our ward including us. In the other companionship is Hna. De Las Nieves and her new companion Hna. Brudnicki, who is from Wisconsin. So last transfer I was the only gringa here, but now there are three of us! We are loving life! Hna. Callister has 10 months in the mission so her Spanish is pretty good. Were still learning a lot together and just laugh when people cant understand us, or when we cant understand them ha. The new hermana Hna. Brudnicki is having a hard time with the language, but I think its good that were here to help her. This transfer we had so many hermanas from the states come in. Its amazing how many sister missionaries are coming! Our mission is really young cause theres so many more people coming than going. Its exciting!
     I was a little worried that our investigators and everyone would take a little time to get used to Hna Callister, but theyve all just opened right up for her! Shes so great with people so theyve just basically spilled out their whole life story to her. I feel like I know more about our investigators and their needs in one week with Hna Callister than the three months Ive been here! Shes really taught me the importance of teaching people, not lessons. Shes got some great ideas for our area, so Im excited to see what we can do together!
     Last night we were teaching Mireya, a member who is about 13 years old, and she told us that her mom really liked coming to church and that she wanted to keep coming. We were like, thats great, she should keep coming to renew her baptismal covenants with the Santa Cena and everything, and Mireya was so confused. She was like, but my moms not a member. Hna Callister and I just looked at each other and we both had this huge grin! Hna Rodriguez and I thought this whole time that her mom was a member! Que barbaridad! So now we have another investigator who is progressing and wants to keep coming to church! Ha it was great. We were pretty excited to find that out.
     Another experience we had was a few days ago. Hna Callister felt like we should knock this random door, so we knocked and found a family whos mom has been inactive for a good number of years. We had no idea she was living there! Her name is Marriot and she has a husband and four hijas who we are going to teach! A new familia! It was a moment when we were really just 100% led by the Spirit! Its pretty cool to realize that we have the guide of the Spirit.
     Well this week has been a great one and I am loving the work here. I love my new companion and Im excited to see the progress in our area this transfer! Were still working with Soledad and are trying to find Miguel again, because weve been having trouble finding him lately. BUT, we are going to keep looking! Good luck with school! I hope everythings going great at home. I cant tell you how happy it makes me to hear that youre reading the Book of Mormon together! Seriously, thats so great! I love that youre learning together. Thanks for being such good examples for me. I hope that BYU has better luck (for lack of a better word) in the upcoming games. Sounds like Coltons team is doing great too! Welp I love you all so much! Thanks sooo much for writing! Cuidense!!
Carinos, Hna Anderson

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