Well the beginning of this week was honestly pretty
slow. I felt like a bunch of our appointments were falling through and
nobody was at home. We just kept going to our backup plans and praying
for inspiration to know where we should go. We had a lesson with an
hermana who told us that her daughter was in the hospital because she
had to have some kind of operation, and she was praying for help in the
hospital. She told us that she prayed that God would send her someone to
help her in this time, and then we showed up less than a week later!
She said that she thinks we're the answer to her prayers. We had a great
lesson with her and invited her to come to church, but she said she
needs permission of her husband first. We are going to try and teach him
We also had a lesson this week with a family
that we found last week named the Familia Castilla. The mom is a member
but hasn't asisted church in years. We went to their house to visit them
but only their three daughters were home, named Avigail, Milagros and
Eleana. The oldest daughter, Avigail, told us that she is a Jehova's
witness, but that she has some questions about our church. We taught
them about the Book of Mormon and are going to go back later this week!
These three girls are sooo cute and I feel like they're my sisters
already! I'm excited to teach them as a family.
A couple days ago we received a reference from a
member named Hna. Celia. The reference's name is Ana Maria. We taught
her a couple nights ago and she told us that she's been living in the
street for the past couple months, without friends and without work. Now
she's working for Hna. Celia, cooking and selling hamburgers. When we
were teaching her, she told us, I don't know if God really knows me...
I'm just a normal person working at a cart. I felt so much love for her
and just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her that everything will
be okay. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and testified that God does
know her and loves her. We are going to teach her in the house of Hna.
Celia tomorrow. Sometimes people are humbled so that they are more
prepared to hear the gospel. I know that the gospel can help every
single person, and that's why I'm here in the mission, is to help people
like Ana Maria.
We are still working hard and trying to be
better teachers everyday. I feel like I'm learning so much every single
day!! I love being with Hna. Callister and love my area. I love you all
so much and hope that everything's good at home. Keep reading the Book
of Mormon! Good luck with school and work and everything. Oh, and here
is my address if you want to write me a real letter:
Sister Jaden Anderson
Peru Lima Central Mission
Av. Jorge Basadre 592, Oficina 604 B
Edificio Torre Azul
San Isidro, Lima 27
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